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First alpha version and preliminary chapters’ drafts for N-Layered .NET Architecture

After a lot of moon work, I show you our alpha version of our guidance V2.0. We are covering mainly the server side (just only a Silverlight client consuming it) evolving several experiences we have learned and putting into practice the feedback you have sent us.

Improvements in the Domain Layer
- Using EF 4.1 POCO Code-First for Domain Entities/Aggregates/ValueObjects
- Added more Domain logic within entities (no anemic domain)
- Better exposure of Aggregates’ elements
- Better support to navigations between Aggregates and elimination of inverse relationships not needed
- Entity Validation support
- Specification pattern implementation, use of expressions as specifications and composition support
Improvements in the Application Layer
- DTO and DTO-Adapters support
- Validation support
- Improvements in exception management
Improvements in the Data-Persistence-Infrastructure Layer
- Using EF 4.1, CodeFirst, DbContext
- Persistence layer simplification and improvements
- IoC: Elimination of abstractions no needed
- Better testing strategy for Integration Tests
Improvements in the Presentation Layer
- Reviewed and minor improvements in MVVM code
Improvements in the Distributed-Services Layer
- Segregation in 2 Web-Services.
- We will use REST in the next ALPHA/BETA version instead SOAP.

We got a lot of feedback coming from several channels as Discussions-Forum at Codeplex. We know that many followers are using this project (as a reference) into real & complex projects, with success in most of the cases. This is the best reward we could get!

Because we do bear in main your feedback, we have got many points we can improve. We will continue working and evolving both this guidance and sample in order to get better patterns’ implementations.

Thank you very much.