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COM+ object per client model

Consider the following ECMAScript:

 var mather=new ActiveXObject("Arithmetic.Math")

Output is: 10 twice. No brainer.

Arithmetic.Math could be an in-process (loaded in the same process of COM Client), local (loaded in different process on the same computer) or remote (loaded in a process on different computer) COM Server. The above COM Client is unaware of this fact.

By now, Arithmetic.Math code could be the following .NET class properly registered with regasm.exe:

    public class Arithmetic.Math
       public int Sum(int a, int b)
           return a + b;

Now, we want a method to sum accumulatively and return each time the total so far:

 var mather=new ActiveXObject("Arithmetic.Math")

Output is:


Suppose Arithmetic.Math is now the following ServicedComponent-derived class regsvcs.exe-registered within a COM+ Application activated as a Server and as a NT Service:

   public class Arithmetic.Math : System.EnterpriseServices.ServicedComponent
       private int m;

      public Math()
           m = 0;

       public int Sum(int a, int b)
           return a + b;

       public int Memorysum(int n)
           m += n;
         return m;

What happen when our client script is launched concurrently different times and Memorysum method is invoked simultaneously? What output get each?

Answer is: each client gets the same output:


Why? Because of the COM+ object per client model, each client get its own Arithmetic.Math object.

Now suppose we want a method that sums accumulatively across different clients:

  public class Arithmetic.Math : System.EnterpriseServices.ServicedComponent
       private int m;
      private static int globalm;
     private static volatile object syncroot = new object();

     public Math()
           m = 0;

       public int Sum(int a, int b)
           return a + b;

       public int Memorysum(int n)
           m += n;
         return m;

       public int Globalsum(int n)
           lock (syncroot)
               globalm += n;
           return globalm;

What happen now when our client script is modified as below and launched concurrently different times and Globalsum method is invoked simultaneously? What output get each?

 var mather=new ActiveXObject("Arithmetic.Math")

Each output will be different now as each Arithmetic.Math object share the same state and are in the same AppDomain.
