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Can I get MSFP added to my Windows Mobile 5 device?

It probably wont surprise you to know that I get asked this question a fair bit, it probably also wont surprise you to know that the answer is 'talk to the vendor you got the phone from'.

Theoretically its possible to get most Windows Mobile 5 phones upgraded to include MSFP but the decision in the end is with the vendor that supplied you with the device in the first place.  Take a look at the announcement here names a few companies that are looking to offer free upgrades to Windows Mobile 5 users that want MSFP.

  • Cingular Wireless
  • Orange
  • T-Mobile
  • Palm Inc
  • I-Mate

The following either have devices with MSFP already installed or plan to be released soon

  • HP
  • Gigabyte Communications
  • ASUS
  • Fujitsu Siemens