UC Product Manager gets his own PA
As the product manager for UC in the UK I attend a lot of conference call which I need to follow up in some form. Luckily for me, I now have my own PA
The guys and girls at POST CTI have a lot of telecoms experience and noticed that one of the things that was missing from OCS 2007 was the ability to record a call, so they set to work putting something together Live-PA, a bot you can add into an existing call to record it!. If you can drag and drop (which most people can) then you can record the meeting :-).
A few people have already started to blog about it (https://unified-communications.blogspot.com/2008/07/postcti-live-pa-intelligent-call.html) but if you would like to know more information then feel free to contact John Maguire, Project Manager at PostCTI. His IM and email address is john.maguire@postcti.com.