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Introducing ... 'Me'

Greetings and salutations to all of you blog readers out there, and thank you for taking the time to check out my little slice of the Internet. Allow me to introduce myself in an attempt to put my mind's inevitable meanderings into some sort of context.


My name is Mark Gabarra and I currently spend my days working as a developer on the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF). My developer ownership specifically includes the command line tool 'ServiceModelReg.exe' and the WCF configuration system. Given these areas of ownership, I anticipate focusing my posts here on the WCF configuration namespaces (most notably System.ServiceModel.Configuration) as well as general issues around developing a configuration system for class libraries (i.e. how to plug into and/or extend System.Configuration).


When not at work, I participate in a number of hobbies and activities that are not work. For now I leave those to your curiosity, after all if I told you everything about myself up front what would you come back to read about me?