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How to install Visual Studio Extensions for Windows Sharepoint Services 1.2 on Vista or Windows XP (VSeWSS.exe)

Yesterday I blogged a solution to develop Sharepoint stuff on a workstation OS. Afterwards I did some additional research in the Web and I found a very simple solution to install the VSeWSS.exe 1.2 on a Vista or XP machine. You need only one Registry entry to fool the Installer, so that you can simply install the package on the machine. I checked this on my second test machine and it works:

Add the following key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\12.0]

Then add the string Value:


The solution was originally posted by Fernando Felman.

I will also add this to my blog. This makes live a little bit easier ....

Best Regards
