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Remote WebPart Development with Visual Studio 2008 for MOSS 2007

Today the Visual Studio Extensions for WSS are not supported with VS 2008. So the official way to develop Sharepoint Projects like WebParts is that you still have to use Visual Studio 2005 for that purpose. You can install VS 2005 ans VS2008 on the same machine, but why do I have keep the older version of Visual Studio just for Sharepoint Development.Therefore I tried to apply the same procedure described in my previous post for Visual Studio 2005 to my installation of Visual Studio 2008. The only thing that must be changed is the *.reg file which now should look like this:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"CodeBase"="C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SharePoint Developer Tools\\package\\SPDevTools.dll"

"CodeBase"="C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SharePoint Developer Tools\\package\\SPDevTools.dll"

@="Microsoft.SharePoint.Tools.SdtPackage, SPDevTools, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71E9BCE111E9429C"
"CodeBase"="C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SharePoint Developer Tools\\package\\SPDevTools.dll"
"ProductName"="SharePoint Developer Tools"

"Path"="C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SharePoint Developer Tools\\package"

"DisplayProjectFileExtensions"="SharePoint Project Files (*.csproj);*.csproj"


"TemplatesDir"="C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SharePoint Developer Tools\\package"


  !! Absolutely no warranties, use at your own risk !!

That’s it! Hope this procedure is helpful to others, who want to develop Web Parts for MOSS 2007 now with Visual Studio 2008.