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Windows Azure Portal Update - Configure Web Endpoint Status Monitoring (Preview)


As I was browsing over the weekend I saw few update to the Windows Azure Portal.

Monitoring Functionality (Preview) for Windows Azure Virtual Machine (IaaS) Cloud Services, Windows Azure Website.

Windows Azure Virtual Machine (IaaS)


  • Under Dashboard tab of the Virtual Machine. You get an option to create Web Endpoint Status.


  • Once Clicking arrow Key, it takes you to the Configure tab. It seems as of now you can create two endpoint for a cloud service .

Endpoint monitoring help

Endpoint monitoring lets you monitor the availability of HTTP or HTTPS endpoints from geo-distributed locations. You can test an endpoint from up to three geo-distributed locations. A monitoring test fails if the HTTP response code is greater than or equal to 400 or if the response takes more than 30 seconds. An endpoint is considered available if its monitoring tests succeed from all the specified locations.

  • After creation of Endpoint, you will see update on Dashboard tab after 10-15 min (as per my testing).

  • Once you click on TEST, You will see detailed output for all test.

(Note: I have not configures any HTTP response so my test failed but you get the point. Successful status is shown in Cloud Service example. )

Monitoring for Windows Azure Cloud Service:


  • Went through same steps as Virtual Machine.


  • Web Endpoint Status Update.

  • Successful Monitoring :




Welcome Page for Windows Azure Virtual Machine and Cloud Service with basic Intro and Help.


Virtual Machine Welcome Page

Cloud Service Welcome Page


SQL Reporting Option on Left Option Pane now visible.



Abhishek Anand

Support Escalation Engineer

Windows Azure Technical Support