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Got nothing to do between now and the Superbowl?

DefenseInDepth Well I have an idea for you.  My buddy Kai Axford did a great 8 part webcast series on Security.  As Kai puts it these are not your mom's webcasts.  These webcast are great!  Kai is a Senior Security Strategist with the Microsoft Trustworthy Computing Group and the series focuses on each layer of Defense in Depth.  Kai did some great webcasts with titles like: All Bark and No Bite, Save the Box, Save the Network, and my favorite: If a Terabyte Falls in the Middle of the (Active Directory) Forest.  So if you got nothing to do or you are not going to be watching the Superbowl (and I know Kai, the Packer fan,  is not), check out the webcasts, you will not be disappointed.

To check them out and for more information take a look here:

Not your Mama's Webcasts: Kai does the Defense in Depth Webcast Series