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Domain Controllers found not monitored under MonitoringWindows Computers with no Agent Installed

Enabling Agent-Only Discovery

The Active Directory Management Pack (ADMP) discovery mechanism typically collects information about all the domain controllers in the same forest as the Root Management Server (RMS) and in the trusted forests. You can see this by using the AD Topology View from within the console. However, only a subset of the domain controllers that are discovered will actually be monitored by an Operations Manager agent. Enabling agent-only discovery filters the list of discovered domain controllers to include only those domain controllers that have an agent installed.


We recommend that you carefully review this entire section before you enable the agent-only discovery feature.


The agent-only discovery feature requires the installation of the Windows PowerShellâ„¢ command-line interface and the System Center Operations Manager Windows PowerShell Cmdlets on the RMS. If you do not install Windows PowerShell and its components, ADMP discovery may fail.

Before you enable agent-only discovery

Before you enable the agent-only discovery feature, do the following:

  • Ensure that Windows Powershell is installed on the RMS.
  • Determine the location of the Windows PowerShell executable. The default location is %windir%\System32\WindowsPowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe.
  • Determine the location of System Center Operations Manager. The default location is %ProgramFiles%\System Center Operations Manager 2007.
  • Ensure that the System Center Operations Manager Powershell extensions are installed correctly. You can verify that they are installed correctly by starting the System Center Operations Manager Powershell window and running the Get-Agent command. To run the command, click Start, click All Programs, click System Center Operations Manager, click Command Shell, and then type Get-Agent. The list of agent-monitored computers appears, or an empty list appears if there are no agents currently installed on the domain controllers.

To perform the procedures in this section, you must be a member of the Operations Manager Administrators group in the Operations console. For more information, see Account Information for Operations Manager 2007 (

To enable agent-only discovery

1.   Open the Operations console, and then click Authoring.

2.   Expand Management Pack Objects, and then click Object Discoveries.

3.   Click Scope on the Operations console toolbar.

4.   In the Scope Management Pack Objects dialog box, click View all targets, select the Active Directory Forest check box, and then click OK. The user interface (UI) displays the AD Topology Discovery object.

5.   Right-click AD Topology Discovery, click Overrides, click Override the Object Discovery, and then click For all objects of class: Root Management Server.

6.   Select the Override box that corresponds to Discovery Agent Only in the Parameter Name column,

7.   Change the Override Value to True, and then select the box in the Enforced column.


a.   If Windows PowerShell is installed in a location other than the default location, select the Override box that corresponds to the PowershellInstallPath parameter, and then edit Override Setting to point to the correct PowerShell location. Remember to include double quotation marks around the path.

b.   If Operations Manager is installed in a location other than the default location, select the OpsMgrInstallPath check box, and then edit Override Setting to point to the correct Operations Manager location. Remember to include double quotation marks around the path.

8.   In Select destination management pack, select the management pack that you created for ADMP Customizations, If you have not yet created a management pack for your overrides, you can click New to create one now. Click OK.



Discovery must run again to remove any previously discovered domain controllers. By default, AD Topology Discovery runs once every 24 hours. However, you can force discovery to run by restarting the OpsMgr Health Service.



At the end run the following PowerShell cmdlet to remove the unnecessary discovered objects: Remove-DisabledMonitoringObject


Details for Remove-DisabledMonitoringObject:

Source: OM2007_MP_AD2008R2.doc AD Management Pack Guide