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Are you in the TIVO Generation?

You may be asking yourself, what is the TIVO generation? Details below.

(In your best Jeff Foxworthy voice) You might be in the TIVO generation if:

·         You sit in meetings wanting to fast forward the presenter

·         You look for the rewind button on your car stereo because you just missed something interesting or a particularly humorous commercial

·         You don’t listen as attentively as you used to during real conversations because you assume that you can rewind and skip the unimportant stuff later

·         Your coworkers are discussing the latest PC vs MAC commercial, and you have no idea what PC vs MAC means (BTW, the latest two PC vs MAC commercials, the one with the Christmas gifts and the other with the “New” signs, clearly make me like the PC guy better)

·         You have the gift of rhythmically deleting unwanted shows in your recorded shows folder

·         All you want for Christmas is a way of recording all your shows in one place instead of hunting through 3 different recorders for the show you want to watch

·         Clicking on something twice, no matter what it is, should always record the series

·         Everything should be HD, including the commercials you skip over

** Disclaimer: I have never owned a real Tivo branded device. Since "Tivo" and "Tivo'd" have become synonymous with recording TV, I use the terms loosely. I still believe that UltimateTV is the best PVR out there (made in 2001), Media Center is cool too. **


Got other things that make you TIVO generation? Post a comment.


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    M, I use a MediaCenter PC, but yes at times I find myself watching "normal" tv and wish I had just recorded it so I could FastForward through stuff... :)