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Not Just Another Pretty Face

I'm blogging to:

Tom Waits
Mule Variations

No, I'm not talking about ME!  I'm talking about WPF.  As I have been talking with people about the Crossbow stuff and I explain that customers will be able to enhance thier Windows Forms applications with WPF functionality, many people have asked "why"?.  I've had people say, "why would I want to add WPF functionality to my Windows Forms application?".  I ususally give them a blank stare and I'm sure I assume the standard "mouth breather" pose with my jaw resting on my chest.  When they see my surprise, they usually offer an explanation....  They'll say: "...I mean I really don't see what the big deal about WPF is anyway...I'ts just fancy gradients, 3D stuff and animations, right?  How useful is that stuff to an LOB application?" 

Hmm, somebody ain't gettin' it!  You can't think of WPF as just a prettier, fancier version of Windows Forms, 'cause that is wrong on so many levels.  If when I talk about adding WPF to Windows Forms applications you are thinking about just swapping Windows Forms controls for WPF controls on Forms, then you are missing the point.  There is really no value to just trading out form controls.  I mean, yeah you have more freedom over how WPF controls are styled and such, but why go to all the trouble just to have rounded text boxes and some gradient fills?

WPF will allow you to think about new ways to visualize and interact with data at an unprecedented level.  This is what you need to be thinking about, not about swapping controls.  This could prove to be huge in terms of differentiating your application from your competition.  And using the Crossbow technology, you will be able to convert only those portions that make the most sense while preserving the rest of your Windows Forms code base.

Just wanted to make the point.  That's all for today.