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From the Mouths of Babes

A few weeks ago someone in my group suggested I blog about more than security. I asked, "Why?" He said, "So people will realize you're not a droid!"

So here is my first post that has nothing to do with security, it's about parenting. More to the point, it's "write things down your kids say, you'll forget otherwise." I've started keeping a little journal of cute/funny/silly things they say so I can embarass them when they start dating!

I have two munchkins, Blake 6 and Paige 4 (going on 18) We recently sold our home (yay!) in only two weeks (yay!) for basically what we asked for (yay!) as we're moving to Austin in a few weeks (yay!) So I had to go into the crawlspace to make sure everything looked fine. As I removed the cover to the crawlspace a little crowd of two gathered.

Blake: What are you doing?
Me: I'm going into the dungeon!
Paige: Why?
Me: To look for monsters (did I ever tell you I'm cruel :) Luckily, the kids know I'm joking.
Me: Who wants to join me in the dark, dusty, dirty dungeon?
Blake: Not me!
Paige: uh-uh!
Me: Ok. If I don't come back in 15mins a monster got me, so tell mom.
Paige: We'll miss you dad!

<30mins goes by - finally I pop out from the crawlspace - I'd found a very old, very dead, desiccated mouse - the kids were nowhere to be seen. At the 15min mark I had seriously considered screaming to pretend a monster had got me, but I figured that was over the top, but I really wanted to do it!>

Me (shouting): Hey guys, look what I found

<scampering of little feet>

Paige: What's that?
Me: It's a dead mouse
Blake: Cool! Can I see?
Paige: How did it die dad?
Me: I don't know, perhaps it ran out of food
Paige: What do they eat?
Blake (rolling his eyes, and muttering sarcastically): Paige, they eat dead people.


  • Anonymous
    June 03, 2007
    You needn't listen to everything your colleagues tell you. Please consider providing a way for those of us who don't care whether you're a droid or not to avoid RSS spam caused by your "I am not just a Microsoft guy" posts. Filtering by tags is inadequate, as I cannot specify "all tags except those which are about personal topics". A good way might be to set up a personal blog.

  • Anonymous
    June 03, 2007
    If you want to blog about parenting, get a spaces site. Please keep msdn blogs technical.

  • Anonymous
    June 03, 2007
    "We'll miss you, Dad!" - Classic.

  • Anonymous
    June 04, 2007
    Michael - please leave life in your blog! AFAIK MS has no requirement that you be a techno-posting robot. They are what make it all worthwhile.

  • Anonymous
    June 05, 2007
    Don't you just love the irony of those people that complain about the personal stuff yet take the time to read the post and then write a comment about how they don't want to read about personal stuff? Simply ignore them. Love the story of yer kids. Keep 'em coming.

  • Anonymous
    May 21, 2008
    A few weeks ago someone in my group suggested I blog about more than security. I asked, &quot;Why?&quot; He said, &quot;So people will realize you're not a droid!&quot; So here is my first post that has nothing to do with security, it's about parenting.