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TechNet Creates Silverlight Application as Clearinghouse for Technology Resources

Ever wish that you could find information about a technology in just one place? TechNet is trying to grant that wish.

A beta version of the Microsoft Desktop Player is available now at . With this application, you can search for resources specific to your role and technology. It’s still in beta, so I noticed that some of the Webcasts were a little fuzzy. However, it’s a great start at compiling resources from all over Microsoft to help you find information and instruction. To test it, I queried using the following criteria:

TechNet Desktop Player

  • I’m an IT Pro
  • Looking for resources on Exchange Server 2010
  • In my role as an enterprise administrator
  • Focusing on development

My query returned a slew of great resources:

  • 12 Webcasts
  • 7 Podcasts
  • 6 Learning Plans

Depending on what you query, you could be pointed to other resources, such as white papers, local user groups, books, local events and classroom training.

Give it a try. Over the next few months, those of us at Microsoft Press will be tagging our book content to match the search criteria so that you can find specific information from our books for IT Professionals and Developers.