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Microsoft Premier Workshop: Windows Server 2012 R2: Remote Desktop Services

Der Windows Server 2012 R2 Remote Desktop Services (RDS)-Workshop ist eine dreitägige Schulung, die die Teilnehmer über die neuen Features in Remote Desktop Services (ehemals Terminal Services), einschließlich Rolle-Pflichten und Bereitstellungsstrategien auf Windows Server 2012 R2 lehrt. Die am Ende des Workshops erworbene Kenntnisse ermöglichen, Systemadministratoren und IT-Experten zu verstehen, die neun Features in RDS für Windows Server 2012 R2 zu verstehen, bereitstellen, konfigurieren und zu optimieren.

Module 1: Introduction to Remote Desktop Services
This module provides students with an overview of the new features of Windows Server 2012R2 Remote Desktop Services.

Module 2: Remote Desktop Connection Broker
In this module students learn the Connection Broker’s central role, installation prerequisites and deployment best practices.

Module 3: Remote Desktop Session Host Servers
In this module we cover all requirements for the implementation of the Remote Desktop Session Host server, covering installation and configuration best practices.

Module 4: Remote Desktop Web Access
A detailed insight into the benefits of implementing Web Access, also covering installation and configuration best practices.

Module 5: RemoteApp
This module provides students with an intricate look at RemoteApp, including deployment, accessibility options and common application issues

Module 6: Remote Desktop Licensing
In addition to the prerequisites for RD License Server installation, this module also covers best practices for the implementation of RDS CALs.

Module 7: Remote Desktop Gateway
In this module we discuss installation prerequisites for RD Gateway, together with the role of connection authorization policies (CAPs) and resource authorization policies (RAPs), including new features and their implementation.

Module 8: Securing Remote Desktop Services
This module guides students through the various methods to effectively secure an RDS environment

Module 9: Remote Desktop Services Infrastructure
A detailed look at the components comprising an RDS infrastructure and how best to implement high availability solutions using built-in Windows functionality

Module 10: Troubleshooting
RDS: tips and tools In this module we dive into some of the common tools used to monitor and troubleshoot the health of a RDS infrastructure.

Module 11: User Experience
In this module we walk students through the process of optimizing profile management and customizing RDP to provide a seamless remote desktop experience for end users.

Module 12: RDS and Azure
In our final module we presents new possibilities offers by Azure with Hybrid Infrastructure, full cloud infrastructure but also RemoteApp in Azure
IT-Systemadministratoren, IT-Techniker, IT-Berater, IT-Infrastrukturarchitekten, Projektmanager
Level 300
(Level Skala: 100= Strategisch/ 200= technischer Überblick/ 300=tiefe Fachkenntnisse/  400= technisches Expertenwissen)
Dieser Workshop wird in deutscher Sprache gehalten. Es werden hauptsächlich Englisch sprachige Kursunterlagen verwendet.

Zur Anmeldung wenden Sie sich bitte direkt an Ihren Microsoft Technical Account Manager oder besuchen Sie auf Microsoft Premier Education.