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This Week, June 18, 2007 - Microsoft Mediaroom

Well it's official, it's Q4, it's near the end of June, people are working their tails off to wrap up the end of Fiscal Year 07.  I'm getting this post out a bit later in the day than I would like but hey, priorities...

A few interesting tidbits today.  Microsoft TV: IPTV edition has a new version and a new name.  "Mediaroom" is the new brand.  I would LOVE if IPTV would come to my block.  Hey AT&T, let's roll baby!  If you want to see the demo's for yourself, check out the Mediaroom site.  Well worth your time IMHO.  This is absolutely fascinating technology.

MSN has a new site which renders much better for mobile browsing.  I'm happy to see that.  I spend enough time wasting away in airport terminals to appreciate any new content that can be rendered in a pocket-sized browser.

An update to BDD has been released.  The update addresses several scripts which need changes after significant feedback from the field and from customers.  Both an MSP file for existing installs and a new MSI install are available.

Our good friend Blake posted a link to the SteadyState release.  If you have ever considered the need for a tool to set your computer to "forget" all changes after a reboot, this is one option.  It's a great option for kiosk machines, computer labs, Internet cafe's, etc.  Anywhere you might want to quickly and easily undo and changes made by anonymous users to a public PC.

Hey check it out - beta preview of a new Channel 9 interface.  I like it!

Popfly topped a list of 25 websites to watch.  The number of things you can use for mash-ups in Popfly is growing.  I'm definitely going to have to find time for another project.  Maybe plot TechNet blogs?

I'm off to LabMan this week.  Hope your week is enjoyable!  I'll leave you with a photo I snapped in DTW last week.  Those of you who fly Northwest will recognize the fountain from Detroit.  I just happen to catch it as the water which jumps from the outside of the ring was falling towards the center, creating a bouquet-like look.


Technorati tags: Microsoft, IPTV, MSN, BDD, SteadyState, Channel 9