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Some awesome Windows 7 tricks

Tim Sneath posted this last night, and I wanted to share it with all of you Windows 7 users out there. 

Now, I’ve been using Windows 7 throughout the entire development process (since just after Vista RTM), and after reading through this list I actually came across some features that I didn’t know about previously. 

I think my favorite features from that list are:

  • Who Stole My Browser?
    Being able see what plugins might be causing my browser to behave like a pouting three-year-old is fantastic.  It’s easy to do over the phone, and – this is the part I like the best – it’s easy to teach. 
  • Installing from a USB Memory Stick
    I just got an HP Mini 1000 netbook, and it runs 7 so amazingly smoothly.  I’ve been installing it by using PXE boot from the Microsoft corporate network, but being able to install 7 from a USB key is equally as handy (especially since it would allow me to make customizations to the image before applying it.  (You know how much I love the Windows AIK, right?  There’s a new one specifically for Windows 7 over here.)
  • Command Junkies Only
    I admit it.  I’m addicted to the command-line.  It’s faster for me to type a command than do something in the GUI, especially with Powershell (got v2 CTP3 yet?)  Being able to open a command prompt from any arbitrary window is an amazing time-saver.

What are your favorite Windows 7 tricks?

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