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New Windows Dynamic Cache Service for 64-bit Windows 2003 servers

If you've ever had an issue where low memory conditions were causing working set trimming issues due to excessive use of the System File Cache, then we have just released a new service that can be used to help alleviate this issue called Microsoft Windows Dynamic Cache Service.

More information regarding this new service can be found here and a direct link to download this new service can be found here

With Exchange 2007 servers also running in to these issues which I blogged about here, this service could potentially allow other 3rd party services to play nice with Exchange 2007 which may be consuming more than it's fair share of the System File Cache.

So if you find that Exchange performance is suffering because of some other service taking up overall memory in the System File Cache, then this service may be just for you.

Hope this helps with some of your performance related issues.
