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Just Released: Acceptance Test Engineering Guide


Microsoft patterns & practices announced today the latest addition to the p&p library of software architecture guidance: Acceptance Test Engineering Guide
(BETA 1)


Quick Links

– Codeplex site:

– Project announcement:

– Community Forum:

Common Scenarios

– How to Plan for Acceptance Testing

– What Kinds of Acceptance Tests to Run

– How to Create and Run Acceptance Tests

– Defining What “Done” Means

– How to Justify Your Approach

Contents at a Glance

PART I – THINKING MODELS: an overview of acceptance testing and explains several models that are useful in conceptual thinking about acceptance testing. It also includes items that are necessary for planning acceptance testing. This part is intended to be read from beginning to end.

PARTII – THUMBNAILS: a thumbnail is a short overview of a practice that explains what it is, when you may want to use it, the risks that it mitigates, and an overview of how to perform the practice. Thumbnails also include a list of references to papers, books, and other resources that provide more complete descriptions of the practice in question. The main purpose of a thumbnail is to describe a topic well enough to provide an overview, serve as a mental reminder for someone who has used the practice on how to do it, and give someone unfamiliar with the practice enough information about the practice and its applicability to determine if they want to learn more about it. This part is intended to be used as a reference; most readers will not read it from beginning to end.

PARTIII – SAMPLES: a collection of sample artifacts generated by applying different practices in a fictional real-world situation for Global Bank. These artifacts are embedded in a series of case studies of what the Global Bank team may have produced while building the application. The case studies provide some context to the individual artifacts. They also provide cross-references to the practices described in Part II. The artifacts are intended to be used as way to learn more about how to perform a practice; they can also be used as templates for your own artifacts.

Technorati Tags: Architecture,Test,Modeling

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