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System Center Update Publisher 2011 and Windows Server 2012

Windows Server 2012 is released recently. System Center Update Publisher 2011 can work well on Windows Server 2012 except for the following known issues:

1. On Windows Server 2012, the WSUS version is 4.0. While on all other OSes, you can only install WSUS 3.0 (with or without service pack). WSUS 3.0 & WSUS 4.0 cannot communicate with each other. So if you install SCUP on a machine with WSUS 3.0 admin console and try to publish to Windows Server 2012 with WSUS 4.0, you’ll get a WSUS version mismatch error in the SCUP log.

You can, however, install SCUP 2011 on Windows 8 and publish to the WSUS on Windows Server 2012. You need to install Remote Server Administration Tools for Win 8 on Windows 8 machine. It will install the WSUS 4.0 version of the WSUS admin console binary on Win 8. And with that, you can talk with WSUS 4.0 on Windows Server 2012.

2. Low right user scenario is broken currently on Windows Server 2012. Normally, the user should only be in the WSUS administrative group to publish updates successfully. But the user to use and publish update to Windows Server 2012 must be a member of the local administrator.

Workaround for this: (do the followings on the Windows Server 2012)

(1)    Change the ownership of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AppID\{8F5D3447-9CCE-455C-BAEF-55D42420143B} to Administrators

(2)    Change the permission on that key. Make sure Administrators and System have full control on that.

(3)    launch Dcomcnfg.exe in elevated mode.

(4)    Select “Component Services”àComputeràMy Computerà”Dcom Config”àWSusCertServer. Right Click and select “Properties”.

(5)    “WSusCertServer Properties” dialog will show up. Switch to“Security tab”

(6)    Set “Launch and Activation Permissions” and “Access Permissions” like the following

(7)    restart WSusCertServer (net stop/net start)

 Hope you enjoy using SCUP 2011 with Windows Server 2012.