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WPF Book control

[Update: WPFBookControl now available on codeplex: ]

After a long time of work on my free time here is finally a first version of the flip page demo (

I have created a WPF control so every one can use it easilly. It's an ItemsControl. You can add any kind of items to the 'Items' collection (using code or markup) or connect a collection to the 'ItemsSource' property.

 <controls:Book x:Name="myBook" Width="600" Height="400">
  <local:UCCube />
  <local:UCControls />
  <local:UCClippingTransparency />
  <local:UCClippingTransparency />
  <local:UCClipping />
  <local:UCClipping />
  <local:UCTriggers />
  <local:UCFixedDocument />
  <local:UCDataBindingTransformation />
  <local:UCXaml />
  <local:UCAbout />

Each item will be placed in a new page inside the control. You can also define an ItemTemplate if you want to customize a page border for example.

 <controls:Book x:Name="myBook" Width="600" Height="400">
      <Border BorderThickness="4" BorderBrush="Gray" Background="Transparent">
        <ContentControl Content="{Binding .}" />


The source code contains a demo application with a large video file (32Mb). You can find attached to this post 3 zip files:

  • binaries only without the video file
  • binaries + video file
  • source code + binaries + video file (largest one)
  • source code + binaries without video file

[Update: WPFBookControl now available on codeplex: ]

You can have a video preview of this control in this post of my friend Benjamin.