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Starting a new chapter

When I originally accepted a job with Microsoft, just over 14 years ago, I chose the company because of the sheer number of different roles that were available – lots of opportunities for new challenges.  That has taken me through roles that included consulting, development, program management, product marketing, and product management.

Starting this week, I have changed roles again, moving from Windows commercial product marketing (which covered the product marketing and product management roles above) to the Windows & Devices Group (WDG), the group that creates Windows, as a principal program manager on the modern deployment team that works on Windows AutoPilot, MDM management, subscription activation, and related technologies.

While that will likely change the typical makeup of my day quite a bit, there will certainly be areas that won’t change:  You’ll still see me blogging (something that wasn’t in my previous job description either), participating in events (talking about modern deployment and management – someone else can talk about Windows as a service), working with customers, MVPs and partners, working with various product groups to address enterprise concerns, etc.  And I’ve been contemplating some new things, e.g. podcasts, videos, and that sort of thing.  So I’m definitely not going to disappear.

The last five years in Windows commercial marketing were a lot of fun, filled with plenty of successes and a fair number of failures too.  Now I’m looking forward to the path ahead.

As always, feel free to reach out to me via e-mail (, Twitter (@mniehaus), or LinkedIn (  And keep deploying Smile  Now, back to work…


p.s. If you send me a LinkedIn request, introduce yourself, describe how you know me, explain what you do, etc. -- one downside of having a "director of marketing" title (my old job) is that you get lots of requests from people who want to sell you things.  So if I don't recognize you and just see a generic connection request, I'm likely to ignore the request.