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Reminder: IW Community Meeting on Wednesday, it will be the best yet!

Hi Folks,

Tomorrow (Wednesday the 15th April) will see the best South Africa Information Worker community meeting EVER! We have a large number of people registered for the ToolFest and expect it to be an absolute hoot.

It is not too late to register, so hop on over to and click the registration banner of the home page.

We have about 8 15 minute sessions, giving an overview of each of these tools / extensions for SharePoint:

  • Gary Lapointe’s STSADM extenstions for WSS 3.0 and MOSS 2007
  • STSADM.EXE tool tricks
  • Visual Studio 2010 & SharePoint
  • Colligo for SharePoint & Outlook
  • Nintex Reporting
  • SharePoint Manager 2007 from Codeplex
  • Smart Tools for SharePoint
  • Sushi

See you there,
