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Project Server 2007 ::Reporting (WSS Sync) Job Failed but not Blocking

Project Server 2007 ::Reporting (WSS Sync) Job Failed but not Blocking

There could be multiple Scenario’s for the same based on error messages

In error message please focus on SPListType=”xxxx” Error=”yyyyy”

SP List ID SP List Name

1100 Issues

1101 Risks

1104 Deliverables

Scenario 1.


<error id="24018" name="ReportingWssSyncListFailed" uid="98df7838-4760-49ed-864c-a27773850d18" SPListType="1100" Error="Mismatched transaction." />
<error id="24018" name="ReportingWssSyncListFailed" uid="64ee928c-6ca1-47ee-be13-d033c76bedba" SPListType="1101" Error="Mismatched transaction." />
<error id="24018" name="ReportingWssSyncListFailed" uid="3cc8deea-acba-4bc1-bc3c-214643ed47aa" SPListType="1104" Error="Mismatched transaction." />
<error id="24018" name="ReportingWssSyncListFailed" uid="a15bcba9-59c7-41d8-a634-d24e8b317ee0" SPListType="1100" Error="Mismatched transaction." />
<error id="24018" name="ReportingWssSyncListFailed" uid="9ef51835-0e70-4cf3-85d9-809805044814" SPListType="1101"

Workaround 1.


As on the first line of the error message it is referencing to " SPListType="1100" Error="Mismatched transaction."

1. In the “Issue” list item there could be some issue item’s where “Assigned To” and “Owner” columns values are BLANK

Update these values for all the listed issue items.

2. Now Publish the project plan

3. In Manage queue hopefully you will not see Reporting (WSS Sync ) error

4. If you still getting Reporting (Wss Sync) error then check the error message in manage queue and match the scenario

Scenario 2.


<error id="24018" name="ReportingWssSyncListFailed" uid="159dcef9-ed73-4a45-866e-1852c098d1e6" SPListType="1101" Error="Failed to prepare the transfer of SP list 1101 for project '7053e472-db33-49f3-a148-476cab370f6a'. The field Cost was missing from the SP list and was ignored." />

      <error id="24018" name="ReportingWssSyncListFailed" uid="076c5db8-a912-4f7d-ba36-db60bb037815" SPListType="1101" Error="Failed to prepare the transfer of SP list 1101 for project '7053e472-db33-49f3-a148-476cab370f6a'. The field Cost was missing from the SP list and was ignored." />

Workaround 2.


As above error is referencing to SPListType="1101" and . “The field Cost was missing from the SP list and was ignored."

In this example “Cost” field was missing in Risk. Same pattern we can create other fields

1. Open project workspace on which you are getting this error.

2. From Quick Launch select “Risk”

3. Settings>>List Settings>>Create column

4. Create “Cost” field (check the default values from any working workspaces)

5. Now Publish the project plan

6. In Manage queue hopefully you will not see Reporting (WSS Sync ) error

7. If you still getting Reporting (Wss Sync) error then check the error message in manage queue and match the scenario



Scenario 3.


<error id="24018" name="ReportingWssSyncListFailed" uid="159dcef9-ed73-4a45-866e-1852c098d1e6" SPListType="1101" Error="Failed to prepare the transfer of SP list 1101 for project '7053e472-db33-49f3-a148-476cab370f6a'. The field Description  was missing from the SP list and was ignored." />

Workaround 3.


In some examples we have also seen that under “Risk” Description field is there but still we get above error.

In this scenario we need to delete this description field and recreate.

***If we don’t have any useful information on workspace and if you are ready to delete the workspace in that case recreation of workspace will resolve all above scenario’s

*****************COMPLETE ERROR MESSAGE *******************************

Error summary/areas:
Reporting Wss list sync failed

Reporting transfer WSS links failed.
Reporting message processor failed

Reporting ProjectWorkspaceInternalHRef field sync failed

Error details:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<class name="Reporting Wss list sync failed">
<error id="24018" name="ReportingWssSyncListFailed" uid="98df7838-4760-49ed-864c-a27773850d18" SPListType="1100" Error="Mismatched transaction." />
<error id="24018" name="ReportingWssSyncListFailed" uid="64ee928c-6ca1-47ee-be13-d033c76bedba" SPListType="1101" Error="Mismatched transaction." />
<error id="24018" name="ReportingWssSyncListFailed" uid="3cc8deea-acba-4bc1-bc3c-214643ed47aa" SPListType="1104" Error="Mismatched transaction." />
<error id="24018" name="ReportingWssSyncListFailed" uid="a15bcba9-59c7-41d8-a634-d24e8b317ee0" SPListType="1100" Error="Mismatched transaction." />
<error id="24018" name="ReportingWssSyncListFailed" uid="9ef51835-0e70-4cf3-85d9-809805044814" SPListType="1101" Error="Mismatched transaction." />
<class name="Reporting transfer WSS links failed.">
<error id="24019" name="ReportingWssTransferLinksFailed" uid="6b41c89e-5ab7-4e7f-a37c-064ffad25ebe" Error="Mismatched transaction." />
<error id="24019" name="ReportingWssTransferLinksFailed" uid="024a683d-d743-4caa-9808-742d01c360b3" Error="Mismatched transaction." />
<error id="24019" name="ReportingWssTransferLinksFailed" uid="6b624adf-cd8a-4963-8e45-7dbe3a2540b2" Error="Mismatched transaction." />
<class name="Reporting message processor failed">
<error id="24016" name="ReportingWSSSyncMessageFailed" uid="44419642-fc21-47fa-bff8-ed83da43cbcc" QueueMessageBody="ProjectUID='91a74b99-5487-482e-adc7-a16c5e7878f9'. ForceFullSync='False'" Error="RDS failed while trying to sync one or more SP lists. The RDS queue message will be retried." />
<error id="24016" name="ReportingWSSSyncMessageFailed" uid="58064d39-da8b-40ae-88e5-d00812f35265" QueueMessageBody="ProjectUID='91a74b99-5487-482e-adc7-a16c5e7878f9'. ForceFullSync='False'" Error="RDS failed while trying to sync one or more SP lists. The RDS queue message will be retried." />
<error id="24016" name="ReportingWSSSyncMessageFailed" uid="8b183448-1b2e-49aa-a513-bb04502453d6" QueueMessageBody="ProjectUID='91a74b99-5487-482e-adc7-a16c5e7878f9'. ForceFullSync='False'" Error="RDS failed while trying to sync one or more SP lists. The RDS queue message will be retried." />
<error id="24016" name="ReportingWSSSyncMessageFailed" uid="f9cabf75-98af-426f-9e6a-8d407f432ce4" QueueMessageBody="ProjectUID='91a74b99-5487-482e-adc7-a16c5e7878f9'. ForceFullSync='False'" Error="RDS failed while trying to sync one or more SP lists. The RDS queue message will be retried." />

<class name="Reporting ProjectWorkspaceInternalHRef field sync failed">
<error id="24021" name="ReportingWssSyncHRefFailed" uid="03c01005-484a-407d-ac75-70663314fd95" Error="Mismatched transaction." />
<error id="24021" name="ReportingWssSyncHRefFailed" uid="24f30780-5be8-4418-96b2-2a6c1baba4b1" Error="Mismatched transaction." />
<error id="24021" name="ReportingWssSyncHRefFailed" uid="0a47f802-04b9-4072-ad0e-37ac7f84a9c4" Error="Mismatched transaction." />
<class name="Queue">
<error id="26000" name="GeneralQueueJobFailed" uid="6d57df72-4042-406f-951d-072340df0803" JobUID="7a41ff5c-ecba-416a-9bc5-a5df6f6d7bbb" ComputerName="INVG2158" GroupType="ReportingWSSSync" MessageType="WSSSyncMessageEx" MessageId="1" Stage="" />