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Guidance on SharePoint

You all might be amazed by the number of emails, messages, and calls I get asking for any of the following:

  • Guidance on SharePoint
  • Requests to add SharePoint Guidance to WCSF
  • Requests to add "Office applications" support to SCSF

Well, I can finally help out folks looking for guidance on how to build SharePoint applications by saying "go check out the CodePlex project for patterns & practices SharePoint Guidance ("  If you are hoping for SharePoint support in WCSF, you should probably check this out too.

Blaine and Francis are leading the effort on this project.  I understand that they are tackling a few big challenges that customers have ranked as the most important including (this list is from the project's Vision Scope slide deck):

  • Unit testing and debugging
  • Packaging and deployment
  • Setting up a team development environment
  • Unclear which SharePoint features/ components to use and when
  • Solution maintenance/upgrade
  • How and when is SharePoint Designer applicable

If you do SharePoint development, you should check it out.
