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MSBuild Extensions Pack releases to web

I am very happy to pass on news from Mike Fourie that has released v1 of a remarkably extensive MSBuild Extensions Pack on codeplex. In his words: 

The MSBuild Extension Pack is the successor to the FreeToDev MSBuild Tasks Suite and provides a collection of over 170 MSBuild tasks designed for the .net 3.5 Framework. A high level summary of what the tasks currently cover includes the following:

• System Items: Certificates, COM+, Console, Date and Time, Drives, Environment Variables, Event Logs, Files and Folders, GAC, Network, Performance Counters, Registry, Services, Sound
• Code: Assemblies, CAB Files, Code Signing, File Detokenisation, GUID’s, Mathematics, Strings, Threads, Zip
• Applications: BizTalk 2006, Email, IIS7, MSBuild, SourceSafe, StyleCop, Team Foundation Server, Visual Basic 6, WMI

Each task is documented and provided with an example in the help file. Where applicable, tasks are remote enabled, simply specify a MachineName and the task will target the remote machine.

Additional tasks and improvements to the documentation will be released frequently. I would encourage users to make use of the Issues and Discussions features on CodePlex and to contribute code to help drive this project forward.

Mike's goal is to make this the standard MSBuild task pack. With the energy he is putting into it, he has a good chance of that. If you're interested in contributing drop him a line at

-- Dan