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Microsoft CRM and changing your SQL Reporting Server

What procedure to follow if you split up your Reporting Server from your SQL Server....

You start with adjusting the reporting registerkey on the Microsoft CRM server into the new address. After this you want to reinstall the Reports on the new Reporting Server, to achieve this you need to run a command called publishreports.exe.

This command should be typed in a CMD box, to do this, go to Start-Run-CMD on the CRM server. The command will look like the following:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft CRM\Reports>publishreports.exe "Your Org" "Domain\ReportingGroup {GUID}" "NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService"

You will need to enter your Organization Name exactly how it was installed in CRM.
You will also need to enter your Domain\ReportingGroup {GUID}. The GUID can be found in Active Directory Users and Computers. You should see a ReportingGroup under the CRM Folder.

You should be able to use PublishReports.exe (with the publish.config and RDL file(s)) to publish all the reports including custom. The custom reports are also meant to leverage against advanced find in CRM.

"You might run into trust for delegation attention to my follow up postings about this subject."