Windows CE 5.0 : USB WebCam Shared Source Community Project.

At last years Windows Embedded Student Challenge there were two frequently asked for drivers/solutions for Windows CE 5.0, USB Wireless (posted about that yesterday) and USB WebCam.

Today, we're launching a GotDotNet Windows CE 5.0 USB WebCam Shared Source Project - The USB WebCam driver is provided in source and binary form, with documentation that explains the driver architecture and how applications can get still images and video from the driver. The driver supports cameras that support the USB Video Spec and has been tested against the Logitech QuickCam Pro 5000 - The driver has been written by Doug Boling (yep, the author of Programming Windows CE [link to Barnes and Noble]) - Doug will also be the GotDotNet workspace manager. 

More information about the project/driver can be found on the Windows CE Shared Source web site.

Go to the workspace, get the driver, start playing, and perhaps extend the functionality to support additional cameras! (oh, and let Doug know what you're doing so he can roll changes back into the driver).

- Mike