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Good Bye George, MSDN Webcasts Guy...Hello George, MCP Community Guy

After six years of working to create a great library of MSDN Webcasts and founding the Microsoft Webcasts team, I'm moving onto another role. I've really enjoyed working on the MSDN Webcasts program and providing some great webcasts for you guys. After spending a year in Afghanistan, I found myself needing more changes to my career, so I decided it was best to move on and try some new things before I get burned out on Microsoft.

I wish I would have been able to fix search and registration (WWE) for you guys, before I left. That was the weight on my back for the last few years. I hope the folks that take over my role will have better luck dealing with platforms and user experience with these issues. There were some things that we tried to do to improve the program. We tried to do some cool things like the ASP.NET Webcasts Series back in 2004 with a shopping cart approach. The pilot worked well, and we hoped to provide this into our regular registration process. It was not to be. We tried some other things and it did go well. Just as the webcast mini-series which provided free class room in instructions to those who wanted to learn more about a particular technology. We also tried the theme week, blogging, RSS feeds for the webcasts, and who can forget Source Fource to help you guys have a little fun with MSDN Webcasts. While the search is on for the new George, Scott Lum and Katheryn Baker of Exsilio Consulting fame will be managing MSDN Webcasts and Virtual Labs for you guys going forward.

If you want to check in on what I'm going to be doing, you can find me on my new blog here at Thanks again for watching our MSDN Webcasts, and I hope for the folks who hold certifications, that you guy will check out my blog and get a chance to glimpse on some of the cool new things coming out of Microsoft Learning and the Microsoft Certified Professional(MCP) programs.


George, MSDN Webcasts