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"Project Astoria" - Build great Windows apps with your Android™ code

Dear Developers,

Last 2 weeks have been really busy for us in the development community as we wrapped up the most successful Build conference ever! A big thanks to all of you who joined us in person and virtually.

While there were many fantastic announcement ... There is one particular announcement which excites me the most and that is "Project Astoria"

What’s “Project Astoria”?

“Project Astoria” (also referred to as “Project A”), is a Universal Windows Platform Bridge toolkit that enables you to build Windows apps for phones by reusing your Android code. With “Project Astoria” you’ll be able to:

  • Build Windows apps for phones with few code changes
  • Use a Microsoft interoperability library to integrate Microsoft services into your app with very little effort
  • Test and debug your app from your preferred IDE
  • Publish your app and get paid through the Windows Store

Get Involved

“Project Astoria” is still a work in progress, but we want to get it into your talented hands as fast as we possibly can. If you’re interested in helping to shape this effort and trying out this new technology early, register for our preview program at: