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Learn Windows Azure (Online, Dec 13)–Amazing Speakers!




Learn Windows Azure



Join us LIVE from the Microsoft Redmond Campus to learn how to get started building applications for the cloud from Microsoft technical leaders Scott Guthrie, Dave Campbell, and Mark Russinovich!

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On Tuesday December 13th we will be holding a special Windows Azure event for developers. At the Learn Windows Azure event you will learn how to get started building applications for the cloud. The entire event will broadcast live from the Microsoft Redmond Campus so you can watch from anywhere around the world.

We will cover the following topics at the Learn Windows Azure event:

· 9:00 – 10:30 a.m. – Getting Started with Windows Azure

Learn how to get started building applications for Windows Azure with the Windows Azure SDK & Tools from Microsoft Corporate VP Scott Guthrie.

· 10:45 – 12 p.m. – Cloud Data & Storage

Join Microsoft Technical Fellow Dave Campbell and learn how to use SQL Azure and Windows Azure storage services in your cloud applications.

· 12:15 – 1:15 p.m. – Channel9 Cloud Cover Show Live

Join Steve Marx and Wade Wegner for this special live edition to see some fresh Windows Azure demos and hear answers to common Windows Azure questions.

· 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. – Developing Windows Azure Applications with Visual Studio

In this session, Jay Schmelzer will show you how to use Visual Studio to its full potential to develop, debug, and deploy cloud applications.

· 2:45 – 3:45 p.m. – Building Scalable Cloud Applications

Do you want to build applications that are highly scalable, loosely coupled, and highly available? Then tune in for this session to learn about key Windows Azure services and patterns from David Aiken.

· 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. – Expert Panel Q&A featuring Scott Guthrie, Dave Campbell, and Mark Russinovich!

Submit your questions over Twitter with the #WindowsAzure hashtag and have them answered live during the event by senior Microsoft engineering leaders.

Register Now!

The Learn Windows Azure event will start at 9 a.m. and will conclude at 5 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. You can watch the entire event live on Channel9 at

A limited number of seats are also available to attend the event in-person at the Microsoft Redmond Campus. Registration is required to attend in-person. Register now to reserve your seat for the in-person event or receive a reminder for the online event.

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