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Reimagining the Utility enterprise in a connected world at Hanover Messe


It’s hard to argue that the Power & Utilities industry is NOT in the midst of a transformative change. The drive towards a low carbon power system, the long term focus on a decentralized system in support of distributed energy resources, HMIsignificant progress in energy efficiency impacting demand and new market entrants are putting enormous pressure on the Utility business model which has been in existence for well over a hundred years. Is the Utility industry immune from the radical changes that are impacting other industries? The answer is a resounding NO! While a new application or any single new business entrant is not going to render the Utility business model obsolete over night, the mantra ‘adapt or die’ is a reality.

During the week of April 13th – April 17th, Microsoft will have a major presence at the world’s largest industry fair, Hannover Messe, in Hanover, Germany. We cordially invite you to reimage the Utility enterprise in a connected world with us at Hanover Messe.

At Hannover Messe 2015, Microsoft and our partners will showcase an end-to-end integrated industry which covers Discrete Manufacturing, Process Manufacturing, Oil & Gas as well as Power & Utilities.

When you visit our booth you will find interactive, business solutions throughout that focus on – Connected Customer Experience, Connected Innovation, Connected Marketing, Sales, and Service, and Connected Operations scenarios.

From a Utility perspective some of specific opportunities and topics that we will be highlighting include:

  • Microsoft data scientists will discuss machine learning for Utility scenarios including grid congestion management, load forecasting, power production planning and operations improvement
  • Business insights and analytics for the smart grid, smart metering and customer analytics
  • Discussion on the digital plant including next generation visualization and generation portfolio optimization solutions
  • Customer centricity and the digital transformation of the Utility customer experience
  • Demand response optimization with demonstration of IoT device controls
  • Smart buildings solutions for building and asset optimization, reducing their energy cost and carbon footprint
  • Secure substation communications and automation for the smart grid
  • Smart home and connected appliance solutions
  • Demonstration latest capabilities in plant and field services including recently released devices

imageYou will have an opportunity to meet industry leaders from Microsoft, partner and product teams; learn from solution presentations, interactive demos and newly launched apps. Experience the Windows Device Bar and engage in one-on-one conversations with our experts from Utilities and other industries, and attend plenary sessions in our booth theatre. This is truly exciting as we not only be talking about the future of industry but demonstrating it!

For more information on our presence at Hanover Messe including registration for a free fair pass, scheduling an executive briefing or booth tour, please go here.

On behalf of Microsoft and our partners, we invite you to see firsthand to how your organization can transform itself for success in a connected world. We look forward to seeing you there! – Jon C. Arnold