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Watching "Skagit" Come to Life


I’m not the bloggin’ sort, but Clint really, really wanted me to post. He even promised me I could be the first, but Ken beat me to it. It figures – Ken’s our designated community champion, and is all over this stuff. He’s also a writer by profession, so words flows more trippingly off his fingers :)

As an engineering guy, it’s been really exciting to see “Skagit” (our internal code name for Microsoft Speech Server 2007) come to life over the last several months. The team has been working on it since the release of MSS 2004 R2 early last year. We learned a lot from our first version, and made some significant investments that really solidify MSS as the best platform for building and deploying speech, DTMF and telephony applications. Unfortunately, I can’t talk about many of them here, as we’ve only taken the wraps off of VoIP, VXML, and some of the new APIs and tools – but stay tuned; I expect you’ll be impressed. In the mean time, please consider applying for our beta program, and give us your feedback.
