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How To Get Free Microsoft Office 365 Resources, Training, Virtual Courses, and More

imageMicrosoft Office 365 provides a cloud-based service that enables individuals and businesses to accomplish the tasks they want to, where they want to, when they want to, all with the familiar Microsoft Office platform they’ve been using for years. By enabling this experience across devices, both in the cloud and offline, it lets people accomplish more, easier, in a much more efficient way. Whether you are new to Microsoft Office 365 or have been using it for awhile, I thought I would let you know about many free resources we have available to you from Microsoft to help you get the most out of your Microsoft Office 365 subscription.

What’s New – Find out what’s New for each of the Microsoft Office 2013 applications you get with Microsoft Office 365:

Quick Start Guides – One of the more popular resources we have available are the “Quick Start Guides” that give you a “cheat sheet” on the various Microsoft Office applications to help you get the most from your Microsoft Office 2013 applications quickly:

Microsoft Virtual Academy Sessions – Microsoft Virtual Academy offers free online courses that you can take on a variety of topics, right from the convenience of your home or office. Here are some Microsoft Office 365 Virtual Academy sessions for you to take advantage of:

Free eBooks – There are several free eBooks that we have available for you to download and use on Office 365:

Video Sessions – We have several free video training sessions available online for you to use as well:

Are you a U.S. Microsoft Partner? If so, check out these other resources we have available for you to utilize:

Support - Do you need support with Office 365? We have a variety of online support resources available for you.

Microsoft Info PartnerLatest News and Information – Want to always have the latest info and news from the Microsoft Office and Office 365 teams? Be sure to download and install the Microsoft Info Partner mobile app to your Windows Phone and get access to the latest news and info from HUNDREDS of Microsoft resources right at your fingertips.

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Eric LigmanFollow me on TWITTER, LinkedIn, and Facebook
Senior Sales Excellence Manager
Microsoft Corporation
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Technorati Tags: Microsoft,Office,Office 365 through Open,free,resources,Microsoft Virtual Academy,ebooks,download,downloads,cheat sheet,quick Start Guide,quick guide,video,YouTube,social media,deployment,Eric Ligman,FastTrack,virtualization,Word 2013,Excel 2013,PowerPoint 2013,Access 2013,OneNote 2013,Publisher 2013,Office 2013 Tags: Microsoft,Office,Office 365 through Open,free,resources,Microsoft Virtual Academy,ebooks,download,downloads,cheat sheet,quick Start Guide,quick guide,video,YouTube,social media,deployment,Eric Ligman,FastTrack,virtualization,Word 2013,Excel 2013,PowerPoint 2013,Access 2013,OneNote 2013,Publisher 2013,Office 2013