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Released: Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 3.5 SP1: RC

The Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 3.5 SP1: Release Candidate has been released in both ISO and Web Setup format.  Web setup allows you to install a specific subset of the SDK you select without having to download the entire SDK; whereas the DVD ISO setup allows you to download the entire SDK to install later. 

What’s New:

The following is a small sampling of what’s new or updated in this SDK.

  • Documentation – Approximately 80% of the SDK documentation set has been refreshed
  • Headers/Libraries – numerous new and updated – please see What’s New in the Windows API under the top-level Getting Started section in the documentation
  • Samples – Over 200 new and/or updated samples
  • Tools – Several new tools added
  • Visual Studio 2008 SP1 C++ command line compiler toolset and matching CRT

Learn more on Windows SDK Blog and Windows SDK MSDN Developer Center
