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MVP Summit – NAP Deep Dive Results

I want to thank all of the MVPs who travelled to Redmond last week and spent 90 minutes with the NAP team. I received feedback from both MVPs and NAP team members that the session went really well and that it was deemed enjoyable, valuable, etc. Awesome!

For those who couldn’t make it, the session was going great until I decided to clear all of the server configuration / policy to prove to the MVPs how easy we have made Beta 3 to set-up the NAP Server (NPS). In Beta 3 with our improved Server interface, we have shaved the configuration time to about 15 minutes to get the Server up and running.

After using the new wizard, NAP stopped working end-to-end. Turns out, in the middle of the “15 minute NAP wizard” my certificate expired, causing 802.1x authentications to the switch to fail. It was great fun! The MVPs seemed to love to get to watch a live debugging session with what went wrong on the NAP Server, how to diagnose it, then to (of course) fix it. The good news is I got the demo working again after repairing the certificate and a slight correction on the policy.

Note to self – don’t change ANYTHING during a working demo in front of customers, especially when you have 20 members of the engineering team in the audience all willing to “shout-out” advice.

I wasn’t able to record the session for posting on the web. J Since the requests in my inbox are high to see the same session, I am going to host a LiveMeeting as soon as possible. Keep your eye on this blog for more information.

As always - NAP the WORLD in 2007,

Jeff Sigman
NAP Release Manager *

* Remove the "online" to actually email me.
** This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    I've been speedlinking some interesting Network Access Protection links in the past (which you can find