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Got feedback for the .NET Compact Framework?

The NetCF team is looking for feedback from developers using the .NET Compact Framework for consideration in future releases.  We've got lots of ideas and are looking to focus on what's important to our customers.

To submit your feedback, email it to:

If you have feature requests and/or feedback, we'd love to hear it and feed it back to the product team for future consideration.

A few examples of feedback we're particularly interested in:
1. specific feature requests for classes and api's
  a. include a typical usage scenario, why it's important to you
2. show us what you've built with .NETCF!
  a. send a link to your application's web page
3. what sort of general sample code would be useful?
  a. I would love to see more examples showing ...
  b. I'd like to see a white paper describing how ... works

We value all your submissions, but unfortunately won't be able to respond directly.

.NETCF Product Team

[Author: David Kline]

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.


  • Anonymous
    January 08, 2005
  1. Make it more accessible! Today one can only get up to CF programming via a $1000 investment. Too much for the hobbyist programmer. Integrate CF into the Express packages! I don't get the logic, Microsoft will give away desktop programming tools (via the Express program) and these can develop for 90% of the PCs in the world, but the technology they are trying to get a bigger foothold in (PDAs) the developer needs to spend $1000?!?!

    2) Add Native Support for .cdb files. SQL and merge replicate is great for the enterprise but is not practical today for a single user database-based application like mine.
  • Anonymous
    January 09, 2005
    Bluetooth. Most pocket PC have bluetooth and there is no native controll for bluetooth.

    Also serial. Alot of bluetooth devices use serial profile and it would be nice to have support for serial built in
  • Anonymous
    January 11, 2005
    First, I want to applaud the Microsoft developers on the Compact Framework. It is a very nice environment. It's lean and trim but if I really want something, I can interop or make it myself. The days of eMbedded c++ were pretty rough and I'm glad they are over.


    Control Extensibility -- the ability to extend controls (Button, Label, etc.). I spent a ton of time making my own button control that could have a background image and helper icon. The part that took the most time was getting text to wrap and center correctly. I was reinventing the wheel.

    I am eagerly awaiting 2005 to come out so I can have design-time functionality for my controls without having to borrow from the desktop framework.

    Better SqlCe interface (like enterprise manager). Stored procedures would be nice.

    The stuff that the open source guys (OpenNet CF) have been coming up with has been pretty awesome. It would be nice to integrate that into the framework. Right now, I'm afraid to use the OpenNetcf code in my projects because crashing is not an option in the field for our stuff (FDA/Clinical Trials/Medical Devices, etc) and some of the code is buggy.

    We are using CE.NET 4.2.
  • Anonymous
    January 12, 2005
    The compact framework is one of the best things to come out of Microsoft for a long time. So, more of the same really. The advanced Threading and Networking support are some of the best features and the features planned for version 2 of the framework look like bringing much more power. The other thing is speed - if there are performance improvements then they are always welcome.

    Actually, the only thing missing - even in version 1 - is some form of rich text view but I guess that is a licensing issue of Windows CE.NET not really a CF feature...
  • Anonymous
    January 21, 2005
    Hi. I was reading an article on MSDN which was stating the Compact Framework SDK would be included in the desktop framework SDK. Would it be possible to integrate CF development into the Express products? Or maybe a .NET CF version of Express (Express CE maybe?) similar to the Web Development version?

  • Anonymous
    January 31, 2005
    i) Widcomm bluetooth support would be a major help to me, I'm trying to write an application for downloading data from distributed terminals and finding that I've only a choice of a couple of older pda's or spend a over $1000 that doesn't come with .net support.

    ii) VGA support. Nice to spend $500 on a vga pda, bad to get blocky text in my apps.