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neXpert v1.1 Released!

A new version of neXpert (1.1) is now available on Microsoft Download Center.

This release contains bug fixes, wording-changes as well as the addition of general and neXpert specific ExecAction listeners.

The main fix is for a nasty localization issue identifiable by a number parsing exception.  (Thanks to all who reported it)

Please check it out!

As always, we would love to hear feedback from users (the good and the bad) so please drop us a line at



  • Streaming Mode and Ping buttons on the neXpert tab now persist across Fiddler runs.  Both were removed from the options menu.
  • Renamed "Clear Cache" button on the neXpert tab to "Clear WinINET Cache / Cookies" to properly describe it’s action
  • If the “Add Step Marker Behavior” option is set to "Selected Session" neXpert will now unselect all sessions after successfully adding the step.
  • Host Latency Table:
    • Name changed to “Server Info”
    • Column added for server’s IP address
  • Redundant Calls Table:
    • Name changed to “Redundant Requests”
    • Help text updated.


  • Localization issues fixed with number parsing on non en-US culture systems.
  • Compression chart now includes XML files.
  • Issues during the Ping now handled.
  • Grammar/Spelling issues fixed in the report.
  • View state issues fixed.


  • Anonymous
    April 06, 2009
    Thank you for submitting this cool story - Trackback from DotNetShoutout