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NicolTIP#010: How to rename and manage file names of your video (and audio?) library with powershell on Windows 7:-)

This week end I encoded some my old DVD in wmv file because I’m destroying my old DVD player and I don’t want to buy a blue ray disk (I’m sorry Sony:-).

After the encoding arrived the boring time to organize file names, and because now PowerShell is available to everyone OOB with Windows 7, this sounds like a good opportunity for me to test my skills in that area.

(these tricks can be usable and useful even if you download series from torrent & co. but because it seems something not so legal, please do not ping me about this topic:-)


Well, lets’ start with a list of files:


 PS C:\TEMP\temp> dir
    Directory: C:\TEMP\temp
Mode                LastWriteTime     Length Name

----                -------------     ------ ----

-a---         20-Jan-10   3:49 PM          0 Ephisode 1.wmv

-a---         20-Jan-10   3:49 PM          0 Ephisode 2.wmv

-a---         20-Jan-10   3:49 PM          0 Ephisode 3.wmv

-a---         20-Jan-10   3:49 PM          0 Ephisode 4.wmv


Let add series information at begin of the file name:


 PS C:\TEMP\temp> dir | %{$x=1} {rename-item $_ -NewName "E1-$x Scrubs -.wmv"; $x++}
PS C:\TEMP\temp> dir
    Directory: C:\TEMP\temp
Mode                LastWriteTime     Length Name

----                -------------     ------ ----

-a---         20-Jan-10   3:49 PM          0 E1-1 Scrubs -.wmv

-a---         20-Jan-10   3:49 PM          0 E1-2 Scrubs -.wmv

-a---         20-Jan-10   3:49 PM          0 E1-3 Scrubs -.wmv

-a---         20-Jan-10   3:49 PM          0 E1-4 Scrubs -.wmv

Ok, now I have a file with all ep. titles:

 My first day
My Mentor

My Best Friend's Mistake

My Old Lady


And with the following rows I add the title to the file name:

 PS C:\TEMP\temp> $title = Get-Content "..\titles.txt"
PS C:\TEMP\temp> dir | %{$x=0} {rename-item $_ -newname ("E1-" + ($x+1) + " Scrubs - " + $Title[$x] + ".wmv"); $x++ }

PS C:\TEMP\temp> dir
    Directory: C:\TEMP\temp
Mode                LastWriteTime     Length Name

----                -------------     ------ ----

-a---         20-Jan-10   3:49 PM          0 E1-1 Scrubs - My first day.wmv

-a---         20-Jan-10   3:49 PM          0 E1-2 Scrubs - My Mentor.wmv

-a---         20-Jan-10   3:49 PM          0 E1-3 Scrubs - My Best Friend's Mistake.wmv

-a---         20-Jan-10   3:49 PM          0 E1-4 Scrubs - My Old Lady.wmv


and now let’s add something at the end:

 PS C:\TEMP\temp> foreach ($f in dir) {rename-item $f -newname ($f.Name.Replace(".wmv", "- ripped by Nicold.wmv"))}
PS C:\TEMP\temp> dir
    Directory: C:\TEMP\temp
Mode                LastWriteTime     Length Name

----                -------------     ------ ----

-a---         20-Jan-10   3:49 PM          0 E1-1 Scrubs - My first day- ripped by Nicold.wmv

-a---         20-Jan-10   3:49 PM          0 E1-2 Scrubs - My Mentor- ripped by Nicold.wmv

-a---         20-Jan-10   3:49 PM          0 E1-3 Scrubs - My Best Friend's Mistake- ripped by Nicold.wmv

-a---         20-Jan-10   3:49 PM          0 E1-4 Scrubs - My Old Lady- ripped by Nicold.wmv




PS. Yes I love Scrubs:-)