CS 2006 News

A lot has been happening on the CS 2006 front. Firstly we have our CS 2006 documentation up online at MSDN now, so you don't need to download anything if you just want to read about the various features and APIs in Cs 2006.


There has also been some confusion around the CS 2006 editions and SKUs and what features will be contained in them etc. which has been clarified and settled by Ryan.


The Beta for the Commerce Server 2006 Starter Site was also released through the Beta connect site recently, so you can download that and get started with some working CS 2006 site code. What about your older CS 2002 Starter Site based sites, you might ask. Well we will have some guidance around that in the next doc refresh hopefully, but if there is enough interest, we can put some of the key pain points informally out through a blog posting as well. Let me know if you think this would be useful to you (information about site code migration issues when migrating a site from CS 2002 to CS 2006).


CS 2006 is generating a lot of interest and one of the most passionate customers I ran into has been Jeff Lynch. He has a great blog on Commerce Server, BizTalk and other Microsoft technologies which provides a very good view of CS 2006 from the outside. Check out his post on the value proposition of using CS 2006. Good writing Jeff!


And of course the biggest news on this side of the world is that the SEAHAWKS are going to the SUPERBOWL!