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SQL server 2008 backup compression and virtual device interface (VDI)

Few days back one of the SQLDBA asked me a question on SQL server 2008 backup compression to which I didn’t have the ready answers but now with the help of this blog I would like to share the answer with the larger community.…


At most of the sites the full and differential database backups are done using some kind of third party utilities like VERITAS NETBACKUP, SQL LITESPEED and almost all of these utilities relies of SQLVDI interface to take the backup. I would like to know if there is any way we can force backup compression while the backup is triggered from SQLVDI interface.


Since there is not much information available regarding backup compression while the backup is triggered from SQLVDI interface, I got in touch with SQL program managers to find out the answer.

The answer to this question is now blogged at our SQLSTORAGEENGINE blog site.

If in case you need more information on it , do send me an email or leave a comment.

Hope this helps!!!