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'Dockerizing' Your Applications



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28 May 2015  : :  View as Webpage  : :  Go to



'Dockerizing' Your Applications

This week, I have been reflecting on the US //build/ conference a couple of weeks ago, particularly one short testimonial that was delivered in the keynote session by Ben Golub, the CEO of Docker. If you are unfamiliar with Docker I recommend watching the introduction video. Docker provides an approach to software delivery that is the analog of a classic shipping container. It provides the cargo space for software, dependencies and libraries. Developers can then know that those components will work at the other end. IT, DevOps folks or anyone involved in the process (i.e. handling that ‘shipping container’) is then given a standard mechanism for installation and management. Docker started life as a distinctly Linux offering with large Open Source community adoption. In his testimonial, Ben shared his story of going to Redmond to get an agreement from Microsoft, to get Docker for Linux running well in Hyper-V or in Azure. He went on to say that he was so surprised by the way that Microsoft engaged with him, and shared his “Five Big Surprises Working with Microsoft”:
  1. Microsoft has got in behind Docker in such a big way, that not only will we work to get Docker for Linux running in Azure and on Hyper-V, but we will also work to get Docker for Windows. This builds a bridge between the 4 million Linux developers and the Windows community, while providing a mechanism to take any Windows app, Dockerize it, and run it on any server anywhere.
  2. Content and Collaboration: a core part of Docker’s offering is Docker Hub. This is a SaaS offering that provides around 120,000 Dockerized applications, as well as the ability to share and host containers. Microsoft has not only integrated Docker Hub into all of our development platforms, but is also contributing actively to Docker Hub.
  3. Microsoft has embraced the notion of making multi-container apps truly portable. We have embraced the Docker open orchestration initiatives: Compose, Machine, Swarm.
  4. Not only will you be able to leverage great multi-container apps (Windows and Linux), you will also be able to blend containers. For example, you could have a Windows backend with a Linux application server.
  5. All of this has happened quickly.
This new agile Open Source partnering Microsoft means, as developers working on the Microsoft platform, that we get to play with all of the cool new toys that Linux developers would have previously got first. We can bring our expertise to bear across multiple technology and platform fronts and ultimately bring the focus back to creating and realising value for our customers by building really great software.


Joe Newton

Joe Newton Developer Tools Solution Specialist Microsoft New Zealand

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Music Maker Jam
  FL Studio Groove

Have a Windows project on the side? Show it off! Share it with the rest of the community in the Kiwi Windows Apps Facebook Group or send us an email at

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