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The New Zealand Windows Azure Application Showcase: Avancert

Microsoft's public cloud platform, Windows Azure, has seen considerable growth in its adoption by the hundreds of New Zealand startups on the BizSpark program, and thousands of ISVs, SMEs and large enterprise customers.

We have put together a booklet that illustrates a subset of the amazing work that New Zealand software businesses are doing on the Windows Azure platform, creating not just remarkable solutions but solutions that have the potential to go global. Get a copy of the booklet here:

This is the second blog post of a series where we feature the companies in the booklet. This week we are featuring Avancert, everything you need to deliver computer based examinations, interviews & assessment in one place.


Avancert - Everything You Need to Deliver Computer Based Examinations, Interviews & Assessment in One Place makes the creation, management and delivery of computer examination, video interview, assessment and testing easy and affordable for organizations of all sizes. Rather than requiring organizations to host, build or integrate a number of different solutions themselves - Avancert provides all the tools required in an easy to use web browser accessible format with a 'per assessment' pricing model.

With examinations often conducted 'en-mass', Windows Azure allows Avancert to scale massively for short periods when required - without the need to invest in infrastructure that sits idle for off peak usage periods. 

Windows Azure global data centres allowing us to effortlessly deliver video based assessment across multiple geographies and regions without having to manage the complexity of multiple date centres ourselves.

Contact us by posting a comment or by emailing the blog author for any queries or if you’d like to tells us about your application or service on Windows Azure.


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