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Using OMPM to assess macros? Check out this fix to repair links in the Macro Summary tab

Update: This issue has been fixed as of August 2011 in Update 1 of OMPM. See our recent blog post for more information.


Today's post is brought to you by Curtis Sawin, a Senior Consultant with Microsoft Consulting Services.

Recently, we discovered a small bug in the Office Migration Planning Manager (OMPM) reporting tool (OMPM.accdr) when working with the Macro Summary tab of the reports. This article describes the issue, the steps taken to correct it, and provides an updated OMPM.accdr file that contains the updates as a workaround. The OMPM.accdr file is provided as-is and offers no support or warranty.

Macro Summary Tab

The OMPM reporting tool provides a tabbed layout to report on the data captured by the OMPM file scans. Each tab provides shows the first 1,000 records returned for a given report. Also, there are links at the bottom of each tab that allows you to see all records returned and to view the data in a report. Selecting New Window opens a new window that returns all records. Selecting Report View opens a built-in report that displays the data in a report format. Below is a screen shot this functionality:

On the Macro Summary tab, these links do not work. Specifically, when clicking on the New Window link, nothing happens. Clicking on the Report View link opens a report...for Scanned Files! A few simple modifications to this were all that were needed.

First, we modified the New Window text to add an "OnClick" event to rerun the query that returns the macro summary data for all records, not just the first 1000 records.

Next, we saw that the "Hyperlink SubAddress" property of the Report View text was running the report for Scanned Files. After changing this to run the Macro Summary report, we found that such a report does not exist.  So we made one! We copied an existing report (to keep the same report design) and updated the fields to return the same data that the Macro Summary tab provides. 

Below is a screen shot of this report (with some customer data blurred).


How to Install

To use the updated reporting tool, download the zip file below and extract the file, "ompm.accdr" into the Report folder where the OMPM toolset was extracted.  Below is a screen shot for details.



Making such changes was not too difficult, and now we have the ability to view more information about macros from files that were imported into the OMPM database.  The updated file is provided below.