Office Interoperability
Microsoft is coming back to Beijing this November for another exciting developer event! This two-day...
Date: 10/18/2018
Microsoft将于今年11月重返北京参加另一个激动人心的开发者活动!这个为期两天的活动将包括Microsoft 365和SQL Server平台的入门和深入讨论。 会议涵盖一系列精彩的演讲,比如:...
Date: 10/18/2018
This years’ Redmond Interoperability Plugfest is from June 18th through the 22nd! This week-long...
Date: 05/02/2018
Microsoft 365 DevDays 议程 现已发布!2018年3月17日到18日,Microsoft将在微软亚太研发集团总部举办活动。此次活动将为您打包奉上与Office 365和SQL...
Date: 02/23/2018
The agenda for Microsoft 365 DevDays is now available! From March 17th-18th, 2018, Microsoft will be...
Date: 02/23/2018
北京Microsoft 365 DevDays 现已开放注册! Microsoft 365 DevDays将于3月17日至18日举行,这两天将会覆盖Office...
Date: 01/16/2018
Registration is now open for Microsoft 365 DevDays in Beijing! Microsoft 365 DevDays is going to be...
Date: 01/16/2018
We are happy to share with you the latest release, version 2.8.1, of the Open XML SDK. You can find...
Date: 01/05/2018
请为3月17日至18日在北京举行的Microsoft DevDays 预留参与时间! 此次为期两天的免费活动将打包奉上包含Office 365、SQL Data...
Date: 12/29/2017
Save the date for Microsoft 365 DevDays from March 17-18, 2018 in Beijing! This FREE two-day event...
Date: 12/29/2017
Microsoft DevDays is coming to Beijing this March! This event is a continuation of Office 365...
Date: 12/27/2017
这是您最后的机会注册Office 365 DevDays!此次免费活动于2017年11月4日至6日在漕河泾开发区会议中心举行。 这里列举了一小部分我们即将会涵盖的主题: 利用Office...
Date: 11/03/2017
It’s your last chance to register for Office 365 DevDays! This free event is taking place from...
Date: 11/03/2017
There’s still time to register for Office 365 DevDays! You will be able to learn about...
Date: 10/25/2017
现在注册Office 365 DevDays仍然来得及!您将能够了解到Microsoft Office平台上的各种互操作性。这里是您需要了解的信息: 日期:2017年11月4日 至 6日...
Date: 10/25/2017
Click here to look at the Office 365 DevDays agenda! You’ll be able to engage, interact, and develop...
Date: 10/17/2017
点击这里查看Office 365 DevDays活动日程!在我们为期三天的活动中,您将能够与我们的Microsoft Office平台进行互动、开发。...
Date: 10/17/2017
敬请参加于2017.11.04-2017.11.06在漕河泾新会议中心A7举行的“Office 365 DevDays”!即刻注册! 在此次免费的为期三天的活动中,您将能够掌握Office...
Date: 10/10/2017
Save the date for Office 365 DevDays from November 4-6, 2017! The event will be held at...
Date: 10/10/2017
During May and June we released the following Open Specifications documents with bug fixes and a...
Date: 06/30/2017
Last chance to register for the Redmond Interoperability Plugfest 2017! Learn about Big Data,...
Date: 06/08/2017
During March and April we released the following Open Specifications documents with bug fixes,...
Date: 04/27/2017
日期:2017年5月23日至5月25日 地點: 華南銀行會議中心 活動對象: 開發者, 資料領域的學者及專業人士, 獨立軟件開發商, 商務決策者, 及學生 主辦單位:Microsoft...
Date: 04/21/2017
Date: May 23-25, 2017 Where: HUA NAN Bank Convention Center Who: Developers, Data Scientists, ISVs,...
Date: 04/21/2017
2017亞太開發人員技術年會在臺北的黑客松活動已經正式接受報名! 立即報名! 本次競賽將分為以下兩大主題 AI + ChatBot 組: 若開發 ChatBot,則參賽此主題 使用...
Date: 04/18/2017
Registration for DevDays Asia 2017 @ Taipei Hackathon is officially open! Register today! Compete...
Date: 04/18/2017
Registration for Extend Paris 2017 is officially open! Join us from March 29-30th for Extend Paris...
Date: 03/13/2017
The Office Interoperability team is pleased to announce the latest release of Open XML SDK version...
Date: 03/10/2017
During December, January, and February we released the following Open Specifications documents with...
Date: 03/02/2017
Save the date for Microsoft’s annual Redmond Interoperability Plugfest from June 19-23, 2017! This...
Date: 03/01/2017
Office, SharePoint, and Exchange Server Protocol Documentation Updates — November, 2016 During...
Date: 11/29/2016
微软举办的 DevDays Asia 2016 @ Beijing 很快就在眼前!随着活动的即将来临,我们很高兴与您分享5个为什么应该参加DevDays Asia 2016 @ Beijing的原因!...
Date: 10/12/2016
DevDays Asia 2016 @ Beijing is next week from Friday, October 21 to Sunday, October 23, 2016!...
Date: 10/12/2016
Beginning in May 2016 Microsoft solicited community input regarding its support of email and...
Date: 10/12/2016
// 2016 年九月二十六日: Hackathon 开始! 黑客马拉松项目概述 Microsoft Office 是全球最受欢迎的生产力工具,拥有超过12 亿的用户。Microsoft Office...
Date: 09/26/2016
The DevDays Asia 2016 @ Beijing hackathon is open today! With 1.2 billion users, Microsoft Office is...
Date: 09/26/2016
Microsoft Office 365 and Open Specifications present: DevDays Asia 2016 @Beijing + hackathon! Date:...
Date: 09/12/2016
微软Office 365与开放文档团队将在中国北京市举办 DevDays Asia 2016 @Beijing。 日期:10/21-10/23,2016 地点:中国北京市 会场:微软亚太研发集团...
Date: 09/12/2016
Beginning in May, 2016, Microsoft solicited community input regarding its support for email and...
Date: 08/22/2016
Over the past few months, we released one new Open Specifications document and published several...
Date: 07/28/2016
The tutorials on installing and using FSSHTTPandWOPI Inspector for Fiddler are now available here....
Date: 06/03/2016
The Redmond Protocols Plugfest began as a three-day event in 2010 dedicated to SharePoint protocols....
Date: 05/23/2016
Microsoft recognizes that enabling interoperability between products from different vendors is...
Date: 05/19/2016
This June, Office, SQL, and Windows interoperability teams are collaborating to bring you the latest...
Date: 05/10/2016
Register for Extend to learn about data analytics, machine learning and Office developer opportunities in 1 day!
Microsoft introduces Extend - a 1 day event that brings together the latest technologies from Office...
Date: 04/28/2016
生產效率 + 數據平臺資源! 微軟 Office團隊編譯了生產效率好客松準備指南來幫助您獲取必要的開發工具,Office 365開發者帳戶,及怎樣運用Office...
Date: 04/12/2016
We hope you've registered for DevDays Asia @ Taipei 2016! If not, register today and start catching...
Date: 04/12/2016
想要建立一個已有積極和廣泛觀眾的應用程式嗎? 快來參賽免費的 Office...
Date: 04/07/2016
Want to build an app that already has an active and widespread audience? Come compete at a free...
Date: 04/07/2016
Ready for data science, Office developer opportunities, and access to Microsoft engineers? Register for Extend!
Microsoft Office and Data Platform Interoperability teams are pleased to announce Extend. Extend...
Date: 04/05/2016