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To Plaxo?

For some reason many of the vcards that I am receiving in emails for the P&aC are coming through as blank emails. So I am grinding away and manually creating Outlook contacts for you all (there are a lot of you - some of whom I have already contacted by email; the rest of you I will email you as soon as I can), so that I can then pass off that list to my shipping vendor -> and you all can get your freebies. I am worried that through this process that I get some of your details wrong. I will send an email to you when I dispatch the P&C's so that you know to look out for them.

Anyway a while ago I remember reading a blog entry about Plaxo that my boss, the one and only (that ain't true ;-)John Montgomery made in his blog. [Side note here; have you ever gooogl'd your own name? or done a google image search for your own name? Check the number one hit for this google search now that's good search engine engineering...]

Anywho, I wanted to let you all know that I am not going to run my contact list through Plaxo; even though it would save me a ton of time and make sure that everyone's details are correct. Anyway I still think the technology is pretty cool and worth checking out yourselves.

Now I'm off to cut and paste more names and addresses into my contacts list. I really didn't anticipate such a big response so please bear with me. BTW everyone that has sent email up to now will get a Poster and a Coaster - some of you haven't given me your address and /or phone number though. I will get around to sending you an email requesting this info.

I think that next time that I decide to celebrate finishing a task I'll just go out and have a drink or two ;-)

Oh yeah this is the socond time that I type this. I lost the first version because I was trying to drag a picture from another browser into the my edit post web page. I can't verify what I was thinking at the time - suffice to say it wiped out my completed original post. I'm going to look into investing in a Smart Client blogger.

Once this ordeal is over I promise to blog about the .NET Compact Framework I have a lot to say about it.