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Troubleshooting with the Microsoft Exchange RPC Extractor (or, the case of the mysterious Inbox sync)


If you were not already familiar with decoding Exchange Server to Client communication, or have done so manually in the past, I present to you The Microsoft Exchange RPC Extractor (RPX). RPX is a command-line driven tool that parses network captures and decodes the RPC calls to a Microsoft Exchange Server.

Perhaps the best way to demonstrate the RPX tool is to explain how it was used to troubleshoot a real problem scenario.

On the Open Specifications team we are occasionally presented with an issue that requires us to decode the RPC wire conversation between Exchange Server and a Client (in this case Outlook). Since Exchange Server communicates with a client via RPC, the protocol that defines this communication at the transport layer is MS-OXCRPC. However, there is much more to it than that. Exchange Server communication is obfuscated and commands called ROPs (Remote Operations) are packed into buffers which reside in RPC over TCP traffic. Furthermore, Exchange Server communicates with a client using several protocol specifications, MS-OXCROPS, MS-OXCFXICS, etc. I don’t intend to go into all of the details of the communication because that’s not the intention of this blog. And, if you are finding you need to analyze Exchange Server RPC traffic you’re probably at least familiar with some of those details.

Decoding Exchange Server RPC communication traffic manually is an onerous task, especially with a typical long network capture (many thousands of ROPs packed into many thousands of buffers). There are tools and techniques for analyzing Exchange Server connectivity issues, such as “rpcdump”, mentioned here,, and the Exchange Remote Connectivity Analyzer Tool, but if your problem involves the analysis of the communication between Exchange Server and a Client then a highly useful tool to simplify the analysis is The Microsoft Exchange RPC Extractor (RPX).

A recent problem scenario where I needed to analyze the Exchange Server wire communication may help illustrate the utility of RPX.

The case of the mysterious Inbox sync: The customer has a man-in-the-middle solution which manages/optimizes traffic between an Exchange Server and Outlook clients and during a client Inbox folder synchronization, after a few messages are sync’d, the Inbox folder synchronization stops (with many more messages left to sync) and the sync continues with the next folder. There is no error message presented to the client. The game is afoot! And if I were a smoker this has all the makings of a three-pipe problem.

After obtaining network captures (concurrent client and server) I ran RPX on the network captures (specifically the client in this example) with the following command-line options: rpx capture-file.cap

There is nothing remarkable about the command line above since I’m just taking the default options to operate on the capture file. If you invoke RPX at the command-line with no options, and no input file specified, you get the usage output:

Usage: rpx.exe <capture file> [-L dump limit] [-C] [-B] [-P] [-Q]
<capture file>: Netmon capture file (wildcards allowed)
-L: dump limit is 256 bytes by default, 0 means no limit
-C: send messages to console instead of log file
-B: save RopReadStream data to disk
-P: displays Aux header payloads in binary
-Q: quiet mode, suppresses all console output

The default for RPX when decoding is to dump only the first 256 bytes of the each buffer.

Before I continue, although using Netmon to capture data with Exchange Server was not intended to be in scope or the subject of this blog, I should mention a few potential concerns with capturing the data and what works best with RPX. RPX was designed and tested with Netmon 3.x capture files. Other capture file formats will not work. In this scenario I received *.pcap files and used Netmon to convert them to *.cap format. Just a simple “Save-As” in Netmon 3.x. This should work ok for you depending on the details of the file you’re working with. Results may vary, so it’s best to capture in Netmon 3.x format. And, just because you can load/open the capture in Netmon doesn’t necessarily mean RPX will parse it. For RPX the file must be converted to at least Netmon 2.x *.cap format, or higher. If you need more information on using Netmon 3.x with Exchange Server to capture data, refer to KB 2006508 (enable/disable RPC encryption).

[Pipe One]

So I ran the above RPX command-line options on my capture files and now I have data for all the ROPs in the trace and the first 256 bytes of all the buffers to sift through for what/where the problem could be occurring. Since the problem occurs on the Inbox synchronization I know I want to look for clues at or around the last RopFastTransferSourceGetBuffer (ropFXbuffer) operation on the Inbox folder (all this happens within a FastTransfer Stream). And, since the trace was stopped right after the problem repro I know this will also be near the end of the trace output. The reason I start with ropFXbuffer is that this is an Inbox sync, which is Incremental Change Synchronization (ICS), defined in the protocol specification MS-OXCFXICS, and data is requested from the server via RopFastTransferSourceGetBuffer per MS-OXPROTO.

Output for RPX of the near-to-last ropFXbuffer looks like this:
(Note, I’ve changed some strings to protect the innocent)

17:03:01.282 #60563 TCP/IP
MSRPC Call ID: 0x73c RESPONSE: 0 ms Store RPC

Coalescing TCP packets in frame(s):

Coalescing TCP packets in frame(s):

Coalescing TCP packets in frame(s):

Coalescing TCP packets in frame(s):

Coalescing TCP packets in frame(s):

Coalescing TCP packets in frame(s):

RPC Coalesced: 31800 bytes


pcxh PCXH 0x00000000-{db54d04d-2d57-4513-8505-3830d0a9d8cc}
*pulFlags unsigned long 0x00000000 (0)
*pcbOut unsigned long 0x00007bdd (31709)
*pcbAux unsigned long 0x00000000 (0)
rgbAuxOut unsigned char[] 0 byte(s)
*pulTransTime unsigned long 0x00000000 (0)
[Return value] unsigned long 0x00000000 (ecNone)
rgbOut unsigned char[] 31709 byte(s)
RPC_HEADER_EXT Header: Version: 0 (0x0000), Flags: 4 (0x0004), Size: 31701 (0x7bd5), SizeActual: 31701 (0x7bd5) < Last >

HSOT Table: 1 Item(s)
[0] 0x00000082


RopId unsigned char 0x4e (78)
InputHandleIndex unsigned long 0 (HSOT=0x00000082)
ReturnValue unsigned long 0x00000000 (ecNone)
TransferStatus unsigned short 0x0001 (1) < Partial >
InProgressCount unsigned short 0x0001 (1)
TotalStepCount unsigned long 0x0002 (2)
Reserved unsigned char 0x00 (0)
TransferBufferSize unsigned short 0x7bc0 (31680)

0x2cd3001e <Unknown> PtypString8 31680 Byte(s)
0000: 69 00 7A 00 61 00 74 00 69 00 6F 00 6E 00 2D 00 - i.z.a.t.i.o.n.-.
0010: 61 00 75 00 74 00 68 00 73 00 6F 00 75 00 72 00 - a.u.t.h.s.o.u.r.
0020: 63 00 65 00 00 00 62 00 00 00 68 00 61 00 72 00 - c.e
0030: 69 00 2D 00 65 00 78 00 63 00 68 00 67 00 32 00 - X.-.X.X.X.X.X.X.
0040: 6B 00 37 00 2E 00 68 00 61 00 72 00 69 00 2D 00 - X.X...X.X.X.X.-.
0050: 65 00 78 00 63 00 68 00 67 00 32 00 6B 00 37 00 - X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.

This particular ropFXbuffer looked interesting to me because of the partial string “ization-authsource”. Of course, I expect to find the first part of the string at the end of the previous buffer.

[Pipe Two]

However, since the default for RPX when decoding is to dump only the first 256 bytes of the buffers I’ll need to run RPX again and add some options to the RPX command-line to dump all the buffer contents of all buffers to see the end of the previous ropFXBuffer (since it was quite a bit larger than 256 bytes). So I ran it again on the same capture file and chose the “ -L 0” option. Of course, depending on the exact scenario, this typically produces a much larger output file since it decodes all the buffers in all Exchange Server RPC communication on the wire. In my case, this resulted in a 65 MB text file. Usually, you don’t need to dump the entire buffer contents for all buffers to troubleshoot an issue, but I needed to do so in this situation.

Now I have the output for the previous ropFXBuffer, which looks like this (partial):

17:03:01.282 #60529 TCP/IP
MSRPC Call ID: 0x73b RESPONSE: 0 ms Store RPC

Coalescing TCP packets in frame(s):

Coalescing TCP packets in frame(s):

Coalescing TCP packets in frame(s):

Coalescing TCP packets in frame(s):

Coalescing TCP packets in frame(s):

Coalescing TCP packets in frame(s):

RPC Coalesced: 31800 bytes


pcxh PCXH 0x00000000-{db54d04d-2d57-4513-8505-3830d0a9d8cc}
*pulFlags unsigned long 0x00000000 (0)
*pcbOut unsigned long 0x00007bdd (31709)
*pcbAux unsigned long 0x00000000 (0)
rgbAuxOut unsigned char[] 0 byte(s)
*pulTransTime unsigned long 0x00000000 (0)
[Return value] unsigned long 0x00000000 (ecNone)
rgbOut unsigned char[] 31709 byte(s)
RPC_HEADER_EXT Header: Version: 0 (0x0000), Flags: 4 (0x0004), Size: 31701 (0x7bd5), SizeActual: 31701 (0x7bd5) < Last >

HSOT Table: 1 Item(s)
[0] 0x00000082


RopId unsigned char 0x4e (78)
InputHandleIndex unsigned long 0 (HSOT=0x00000082)
ReturnValue unsigned long 0x00000000 (ecNone)
TransferStatus unsigned short 0x0001 (1) < Partial >
InProgressCount unsigned short 0x0001 (1)
TotalStepCount unsigned long 0x0002 (2)
Reserved unsigned char 0x00 (0)
TransferBufferSize unsigned short 0x7bc0 (31680)

Raw ROP data in binary form:
0002: 4E 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 02 00 00 C0 7B 00 - N.............{.
0012: 00 34 32 00 00 35 32 00 00 36 32 00 00 37 32 00 - .42..52..62..72.
0022: 00 38 32 00 00 39 32 00 00 3A 32 00 00 3B 32 00 - .82..92..:2..;2.

7ba2: C0 00 00 00 00 00 00 46 01 78 00 2D 00 6D 00 73 - .......F.x.-.m.s
7bb2: 00 2D 00 65 00 78 00 63 00 68 00 61 00 6E 00 67 - .-.e.x.c.h.a.n.g
7bc2: 00 65 00 2D 00 6F 00 72 00 67 00 61 00 6E 00 - .e.-.o.r.g.a.n.

The first part of the string is clearly “x-ms-exchange-organ”, so I go searching for what is “x-ms-exchange-organization-authsource”. It turns out, “X-MS-Exchange-Organization-AuthSource” is defined in MS-OXPROPS:

2.376 PidNameAuthenticatedSource
Canonical name: PidNameAuthenticatedSource
Property set: PS_INTERNET_HEADERS {00020386-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
Property name: X-MS-Exchange-Organization-AuthSource
Data type:PtypString, 0x001F

[Pipe Three]

So this string is a property called “X-MS-Exchange-Organization-AuthSource” and type “PtypString”.

According to MS-OXCFXICS Lexical structure, A FastTransfer Stream can be larger than a single buffer. The server MUST split the stream when it cannot fit into a single buffer. If a split is required, the stream MUST be split either between two atoms or at any point inside a varSizeValue. A stream MUST NOT be split within a single atom. The lexical structure of an atom is as follows:

atom = marker
/ propDef
/ fixedSizeValue
/ length
propDef = ( propType propInfo )

Well, this explains it. The buffer is invalid per protocol specification since this property was split across two buffers. The client implementation does not consider this particular issue a critical error and thereby continues to the next folder to sync. The problem was identified and the man-in-the-middle code fixed. It’s elementary with the right tools. Well, not quite. I did use some other tools initially, and simplified the retelling of the solution to include only RPX. And by doing so I demonstrated with a dash of intuition this type of problem is entirely solvable with RPX and how easy it is to use. Nevertheless, that concludes the case of the mysterious Inbox sync.