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How to send email from your Windows Phone 8.1 app

As part of the API changes made in the new Windows Phone 8.1 XAML programming model, the EmailComposeTask - and several other tasks - that were available in the Microsoft.Phone.Tasks namespace in Windows Phone 8 are no longer available.

Most of these have been replaced with a new way of performing the same tasks. For sending an email from within your app, the old way in Windows Phone 8 was as follows:


EmailComposeTask emailComposeTask = new EmailComposeTask();
emailComposeTask.Subject = "Subject";
emailComposeTask.To = "";


The new way in Windows Phone 8.1 to send an email from your app is as follows:




// Define Recipient

EmailRecipient sendTo = new EmailRecipient()


    Name = "Name of Recepient",

    Address = ""



// Create email object

EmailMessage mail = new EmailMessage();

mail.Subject = "this is the Subject";

mail.Body = "this is the Body";


// Add recipients to the mail object





// Open the share contract with Mail only:

await EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync(mail);

Have fun,
Paras Wadehra
Microsoft MVP - Windows Platform Development
My WP Apps




Via Blogspot