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Cloud Strategy Day

“How Azure enables the best App experiences across Devices”

Speaker: Beat Schwegler, Director, Platform Strategy Group, Microsoft Corporation

The two major technology trends Software as a Service (SaaS) and Apps really changed the application and service landscape. But as of today, only a few of these applications support rich collaboration or provide a smooth cross-device experience. A great service and device solution enables social scenarios, provides user notifications and makes data seamlessly available across multiple devices.

But it’s not only about the technology: With the shift towards services and Apps comes a change in business models. It is important to have a go-to-market strategy which addresses self-service portals and marketplaces as core distribution channels, without ignoring the specific needs of the different customer segments.

This Cloud Strategy Day is designed to help you to successfully design the Device and Service strategy for your service and App portfolio. We will cover different scenarios, explore their architectural considerations and discuss how to develop a sustainable business model that addresses your customer’s needs and expectations.

Agenda: “How the Microsoft cloud enables the best App experiences for devices”

12:00 – 13:15 Microsoft’s devices and services strategy

13:15 – 13:45 Break (Light Lunch)

13:45 – 15:00 Cloud enabled App scenarios with Windows Azure

15:00 – 15:15 Break (Coffee, tea and cake)

15:15 – 16:30 Key architectural considerations

Hvem bør deltage? Er du tekniskbeslutningstager (eller forretningsbeslutningstager med flair for IT) og overvejer at transformere din eksisterende forretningsmodel til en SaaS/mobility model – så er dette arrangement den perfekte mulighed for at få indsigt i: Microsoft’s devices and services strategy, Cloud enabled App scenarios with Windows Azure, Key architectural considerations.

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