PatHelland's WebLog
My friend Harry Pierson points out that I am blogging-challenged and didn't include the links to my...
Author: Pat Helland Date: 05/16/2007
To all my dear friends, As most of you know, last year was very difficult for me with first my...
Author: Pat Helland Date: 03/03/2005
I always talk about "Long Running Work" and steadfastly avoid "Long Running Transactions"... My...
Author: Pat Helland Date: 08/12/2004
Sorry about the long delay in blogging... I was supposed to present at TechEd SanDiego a few weeks...
Author: Pat Helland Date: 06/18/2004
Sorry for the long quiet... family medical stuff... lots of travel... lots of excuses... I'll try to...
Author: Pat Helland Date: 05/04/2004
I have had an amazing amount of commentary to get back to people on... At first, I was traveling and...
Author: Pat Helland Date: 04/05/2004
One of the blog comments I received was: re: More Discussion of SOA is like the Night Sky......
Author: Pat Helland Date: 04/05/2004
I frequently find that people have a different perspective of computing than I do. When I think...
Author: Pat Helland Date: 03/18/2004
We expect around 20 people to the house for dinner tonight. That's just immediate family. My...
Author: Pat Helland Date: 03/11/2004
Some of you may know that I have hundreds of PEZ dispensers in my office and a neon sign that says...
Author: Pat Helland Date: 03/11/2004